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January 19-21, 2023:
Department President Mary Anne Kreutz, Officers and National President Jane Reape toured Operation Gratitude. January 19-21, 2023:
Department President Mary Anne Kreutz, Officers and National President Jane Reape toured Operation Gratitude. January 19-21, 2023:
Department President Mary Anne Kreutz, Officers and National President Jane Reape toured Operation Gratitude. Dinner with members of Post 3935, Port Hueneme, District 7 Aisle of Honor Part of the Welcoming Committee National President Jane Reape, National Veterans & Family Support Ambassador Renee Fulk, Department President Mary Anne Kreutz, Auxiliary 3935 President Florene Schatzwell and Department Membership Chairman Rachel Luke Dept. President Mary Anne, Nat'l. Pres. Jane, Jr. PDP Kathy Smith, Sr. VP Diana Russell-Milton and Travis Miller, Sepulveda CDCE Lead Touring Group at Sepulveda VA Facility Luncheon hosted by Marine Corps League at Simi Valley's Military Museum Marine Corps League members Galvan and Martinez with National President Reape and Department President Kreutz 1-20-2023:  Presidents Reape and Kreutz & Officers:  Touring the Military Museum with Founder/Curators Nigel and Jill Boucher. Dept. Pres. Mary Anne Kreutz, District President Carey Martinez, National President Jane Reape, District 7 Commander Larry Ramsey, Post 2805 Commander Brent McCabe, and Department Commander Marty Yingling District 3, Posts 1534 & 3699 July 1, 2023 Honoring Veterans recruiting event. Americanism Chairman Bill and his twin brother Bob stop by their Post and VFW Auxiliary 2267 home after having played golf at Wildhawk Golf Course in Sacramento. 

Come back and visit Bill's next photo as the dapper Mr. Americanism! Dept of CA Americanism Chairman lives Americanism on the Golf Course! Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. Madam President Sharonda Lewis And Commander Deb Johnson participate in Auxiliary Outreach Project during Official Visit to District 17. District 10, Livermore Auxiliary Installation 2023 PNP Gwen Rankin and California President Diana Russell Milton 
joined District 12 for our First Annual District 12 Celebration on Sept. 23, 2023 PNP Gwen Rankin and California President Diana Russell Milton 
joined District 12 for our First Annual District 12 Celebration on Sept. 23, 2023 PNP Gwen Rankin and California President Diana Russell Milton 
joined District 12 for our First Annual District 12 Celebration on Sept. 23, 2023 Dept of California State Convention 2023