2024 - 2025
"Growing In Service For Our Veterans, Rooted In Strength”

VFW Service Officers Fund

It is my hope that you will join me in supporting the VFW Department of California Service Officer Fund as my Special Project this year.

I am a proud Air Force veteran.  I come from a military family.  I am very passionate about supporting veterans and their families. As a formerly  accredited Veterans Service Officer (VSO), I understand the importance of connecting veterans to someone who can assist them in seeking their benefits and entitlements.  The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of California, does an excellent job advocating for, and assisting veterans in, filing claims for veterans and ensuring they are getting all the benefits they have earned and to which they are entitled. The Service Officer Fund uses the donated dollars to hire, train and accredit Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) to assist veterans and their families in filing claims that can truly make a difference in their lives.


VA Accredited Veteran Advocates

VFW Service Officers located at the VA Regional Offices in San Diego and Sacramento are accredited and certified by the VA and fight for the rights of our Nation's veterans on a daily basis. These highly trained professionals, specializing in all programs administered by the VA, stand ready and willing to provide whatever assistance is required. These services are available at no cost to veterans, active service members and their dependents.  One does not have to have VFW membership to receive these services.


 VFW Service Officers:

WILL meet with the veteran to discuss their unique needs and identify the evidence needed to make their claim successful with the VA

 WILL advise veterans about the benefits to which they are entitled to and recommend which benefits they should claim

WILL have trained VA benefits experts with access to VA computer systems in order to provide veterans with the information they need for successful claim filing

 WILL submit a comprehensive claim on behalf of veterans to the VA in a timely manner which ensures that veterans receive the maximum benefits to which they are entitled

 WILL help veterans appeal unsatisfactory VA decisions.  The VFW has a 90% success rate in correcting errors, helping veterans avoid the lengthy appeals process.


Please consider supporting my President’s Special Project.  Thank you! ~ Sharonda