Program Reporting
District 4
Submitted Date 9/15/2023
Program Hospital / VAVS
Date of Activity 9/6/2023
Hours 3
Miles 45
Members 2
Dollars Spent/Donated 200
On September 6th 2023 Two members of the Hawthorne Auxiliary (Jo Ann Wright & Sharon Mills) attended the monthly scheduled Bingo games at W..L.A. Hospital with the Vets. Bingo was played for an hour with the Vets. There were 30 Vets in attendance for the games Snack bags (donated snacks by the 2075 Auxiliary) were assembled by the Auxiliary members in attendance during the games These snack bags were handed out at the end of the hour. The Vets had a good time socializing with each others. Our Auxiliary hopes to continue having a scheduled date/time to play Bingo.. The Vets who won a game were given a dollar or two as a prize..